Integrated Investigation & Remediation Strategy
LOCATION: Lexington, Tennessee
CLIENT: Confidential Client
As a prime contractor, CTI performed a wide range of environmental services including RI/FS, remedial design, and pilot/bench scale testing. At an active manufacturing facility in Lexington, TN, CTI worked closely with the client to develop a cost saving remediation strategy which included the RI, remedial design, construction, O&M, LTM, and deactivation costs associated with several remedial alternatives. Based on the cost projections, source area groundwater ozone sparging was selected as the most cost-effective remedial alternative based on the contaminant distribution and hydrogeologic setting.
CTI characterized local geology and hydrogeology and delineated the nature and extent of the contaminant source area while pilot testing the groundwater sparge remedial alternative in the source area. RI activities included the installation of additional monitoring wells, groundwater and residential well sampling and water level measurements. CTI’s 3-D modeling capabilities were used to better understand the complex inter-relationship of the contaminant fate and transport, groundwater flow, topography, and groundwater discharge/ venting.
The RI activities determined there were no surface water VOC detections and identified subsurface soil beneath the facility as the primary contaminant source to groundwater. During the RI, CTI expanded the sparge pilot test system into the design of the full-scale ozone sparge system along the down gradient property line. Full scale sparge wells were designed to be used either as groundwater sparge points or as performance monitoring points for the full-scale system. The combined focus of completing RI activities while acquiring necessary remedial design information allowed the CTI to significantly reduce remediation cost and transition directly from RI to pilot testing, to remedial design and construction while completing the RI Report to support the voluntary TDEC actions.